Feminized Reversal Spray – 8oz – Small


Riot Seeds Feminized Reversal Spray – Size S – 8 Ounces

11 in stock


Riot Seeds Reversal Spray

Size – 8 Ounces, Small

Spray instructions

First off, two things to note: for storage, the stock solution (bottle you receive) should be stored in a refrigerated or cool and dark area. This drastically increases the shelf life to multiple years.
Before using, shake vigorously. This has a Silver Nitrate base, so staining of the bottle is normal. It needs to be shaken very, very vigorously before use to ensure proper mixture ratio.
If you have a size Small (8 Ounce bottle) dilute the solution 1:9 water.
If you have a size Medium (16 Ounce bottle) dilute the solution 1:9 water.
If you have a size Large or XL (16 Ounce bottle) dilute the solution 1:18 water.
You want to initiate whichever plants you are preparing to spray into flower, and we spray on the first date of flower trigger.
Some plants need to be sprayed once a day until you see balls (which ON AVERAGE is 3.5-4 weeks), however each plant is different and has different hormonal needs, so sometimes as little as once a week is sufficient. For first time reversals with any cut, I always recommend the spraying once a day until you see balls starting to form.
When spraying, we are less concerned with covering every leaf, we are more concerned about spraying directly at growth nodes. Keep this in mind, makes the spray last way longer if you’re selective and target the correct areas for spraying.
We recommend keeping as much of the spray in stock solution form as you can and only mixing exactly what you need. We cannot stress enough how important refrigeration is.
It’s as simple as that. However the other things to take into account:
  • Once you start spraying, it drastically decreases the stretch, so make sure the plant (s) you’re reversing are an optimal height before starting the reversal.
  • Usually the more copies of a clone you have that can be reversed, the better. We are dealing with odds here as far as getting a proper reversal where the balls mature correctly and drop viable pollen. Some plants are MUCH MORE resistant to throwing viable pollen than others. I like to have a 1:4 ratio on pollen throwers : receivers unless it’s a massive reversal, that changes a lot.
  • Think about staggering the entry of pollen receivers – if the pollen isn’t being thrown by the reversed plant till 6 weeks after initiating flower, then you want to wait 2 weeks after flower trigger to initiate flowering for the pollen receivers. Some cuts need no stagger, I found this with some hemp lines, that they mature very fast and kick pollen fast.
  • It’s important to choose sexually stable females to reverse in order to keep hermaphroditic rates low in the progeny (this is important when making regular or feminized seeds)
What is the Riot’s Reversal Spray?
Our spray is an STS Base with a few added elements that helped improve the uptake and reliability of the process. STS stands for Silver Nitrate / Sodium Thiosulfate mixture – we feel currently that this is the most stable and easy way for anyone to reverse any plants that rely on ethylene blocking to reverse sex.
How does it work?
STS has properties known to increase the production of a hormone called “gibberellin” while also (and most importantly) blocking the release of ethylene in the plants system. Doing this ensures all stopping of any female reproductive organ production and focuses it all on staminate male production for pollen dispersal.
We feel that using the chemical version of the hormonal switch is advantageous to naturally causing a plant to flip sex through stress techniques. We’ve seen over the years when people use the stress method that there’s a high incidence of hermaphroditism in the progeny, possibly passing some sort of quick stress trigger epigenetically.
It’s just a simple hormonal switch we are playing with, and following these instructions drastically decreases the likelihood of running into any unwanted speed bumps.


As for reversing specific plants – and any other instructions we do consultations for a fee over skype – the spray is a tool for the task, but the task is something people need to research thoroughly. It’s taken me over a decade to figure out what I have about reversals. It’s a lot of sit and wait, and balls that won’t mature for some reason or another. Plants always reverse if people follow the instructions, however it doesn’t mean it will always produce viable pollen. Unfortunately there’s no magic trick to making it work consistent and flawless without stress inducing and that’s bad news for progeny.


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