Creamy Punch
The Cream [Perfect Pearl x Blue Bonnet] (Riot) x Punchy Blewster F1 male
When doing the initial crosses of Blue Bonnet, I wasn’t given the Silver Pearl mom at this point (even at this stage of friendships we don’t just ask each other for cuts, it’s gifted when people feel like it – and it’s done out of respect on both ends) – but I was given a few Silver Pearl S1s a bit before the drop was done by Souvenir Seeds. So I found one of those that was a taller version of the mother, similar nose and resin production, just a bigger apical cola and not as squat. She grew about 5.5 feet tall, and was so much faster than the mom. But she had the resin production and beautiful terp profile – and most importantly the high. She was put in the room as filler space and because I really wanted to know what bonnet crossed to one of the pearls was like before any catastrophe happened to the male. I work on Murphy’s Law. So i made the seeds but was asked not to let anyone grow them or sell them. I waited a few years and eventually was given permission to let them out – and Subrob did a beautiful grow of some stellar individuals that were right in the middle silver Pearl and bonnet. Just extreme resin Production and a berry take on this beautiful Bubblegummy “baby poo” (I’ve never smelled it but everyone else does!) with a stellar buzz that calls back to the Mexicans of old. I definitely see why Nev spent his later years searching for oaxacans that reminded him of the Pearl work. It’s my absolute favorite work via Nev and Rob Clarke and it has stood the test of time. We took the best selection from the Cream – and I believe there were 4 females that hovered right around the similar expression that we liked – they should breed similar but only one way to find out!
This Punchy Male was selected using the selection method and visual trait ID I did when selecting the blue bonnet male – the vegetative material smelled like blueberry, way more than any of the other bonnets or the countless other blueberry iterations that run. He simply has all of his fan leaves sticking ip at 75-80 degree angles from top to bottom looking like he’s raising his hands. And I’ve now selected that trait in the White Bonnet, Punchy, Bubbleberry, the Riotberry V2 and every single time when I use a male from any of those lines thag had that trait he passes every single visual trait that the bonnet does – even in this punch hybrids. In these he lets the banana punch offer in some beautiful and much needed yield for super commercial viability – because bonnet on its own is a delicate Kushy smaller yielding girl, but these are serious CHONKERS coming out of the punchy lines.
Expect a lot of grape and blueberry with this really wild infusion of bubblegum and sickly sweetness just coated in resin that’s perfect for bubble hash and washing. The punchy and bonnet lines are specifically bred to be washed and the punchy brought a level of resin production to some of these lines that’s staggering even in the realm of deep chunk standards.
For this hybrid some of these will clock in between 7-9 weeks. blueberry is fast as is silver Pearl. If you want speed in flower and turn around time with insane quality, this is the one. This is my Riot pick for the all of the hybrids as being the one most will be receptive to.
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